Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May Day May Day!

What another month has past! This year needs to slow down. After Mike's surgery I have felt like my life is spinning out of control!
We have had birthdays, graduations, daddy daughter dance with prep, baseball games, soccer games, dance, running, biking, swimming, Easter, family time, weight watchers and tons of fun.

Jersey Jean turned 9! NINE! What? How did this happen? I can't believe it. Jersey is growing up so beautifully. I'm really proud to have her as my daughter. She asks why I pick on her to help me out at times? I tell her it's just a part of growing up. She didn't really like that answer. I love hanging out with her. A boy even called her on the phone tonight. WHAT!!!! No! I know it's only a few short years. Seriously we need some kind of serum to making children stop growing so they can be with us a little longer.
Mike is recovering nicely from his surgery. He is now walking with a limp but no crutches. He has his hands back. I told him that now that he is feeling better it's time for him to pick up some slack. (kidding) I would be no good as a single parent, I know this to be true. Mike helps me with everything from running the kids places to making dinner. I don't cook very well. I like to buy the food to make things but Mike is usually the one who cooks the food. His leg is still swollen at night because of the things he is doing during the day. He takes full advantage of his days off.
My brother in law Graduated from BYU on Jersey's birthday. We went done to support him and my sister. Graduation always make me cry. A part of me really wants to go back to school and get my degree. The other part still doesn't know when I would have the time, money, energy to go back. I really don't know what I want to be when I grow up. The things that I would like to be I think it's a little to late.
Phoenix is on the River Cats Rookie league for baseball. He is doing well. Better than last year for sure. He likes to talk so when he is on the field his mouth doesn't stop moving. He is doing great in soccer. He is one of the fastest on his team. But how do you teach a kid that it's okay to be aggressive on the soccer field? I have enjoyed watching him play both sports.
Jersey is doing better at dance. She loves going and would love it if I would sign her up for competition dance. Not until she is 12. She very graceful when she dances.

Seriously I wrote this at the beginning of the month and now it's two until the end of this month. Oh goodness. I really need to blog more.  Here is to more posts!

1 comment:

mad white woman said...

It's never too late! :)