Tuesday, August 25, 2009


When did my children get big. Was I sleeping? They are constantly talking about getting a DS or a Wii. I know that kids are more advanced than parents now days but a four and six year-old asking for one? I might be scene as a cheapskate because I don't want to give into them. They can't even read?

Much to my surprise this morning I found Jersey playing with one. No, Mike didn't go out a buy one. My niece left hers behind last night. So I found Jersey on her bed playing Deal or No Deal. Telling me all about the suitcases and the girls with blue dresses. I watched how she played a game of Battleship. I could just see her little brain working. I will admit I did enjoy sitting a watching her figure something out. But I have to shake my head and remember she doesn't need one to use her brain.

For another moment I thought that a DS might be a great bargain tool. After I put the DS up, I told the children that they needed to pick up their rooms. The first one to do this would get some time with the DS. Phe was done so quick. I couldn't believe it. I went to check on his room. Yes the floor was clear, yes, the room looked clean. But toys were shoved into piles in the closet. Things were under the bed and the batcave was on the floor. He was so excited that he was the winner. When I told him that he needed to actually put the toys in the boxes and shoes in his basket he wasn't to happy.

I know now that a DS is not good for them. Maybe when they can buy it themselves. But I'm sure feeling the pressure.


amy said...

this makes me laugh! we went through the ds thing too.

kids are so technologically savvy now!

Lauren and Jason said...

Seriously DO NOT give in. I have had to ring up so many DS systems for parents of little children between the ages of 3 and 8 and the kids don't even really know what they are getting, they just know they want it. More than I can remember I had to ring up a DS and it was the child's 2nd or 3rd DS because the kids lose them and whine and complain that they don't have one so the parents just buy a new one! How does that teach you child to take care of what they own? Half the time the kids don't even know what they are playing. I watched Jason's neice play on last Easter (she's 5) and it was the Littlest Pet Shop game. She had no clue what she was doing. She had just figured out that by moving the stylus pen it made things happen on the game. DON'T give in. Seriously. What's worse is I actually see the kids back in the store with their DS walking around playing it while the parents are shopping! The parents will even buy games for them while the child is in the cart sitting and playing the DS!
Jersey and Phoenix are smart. They don't need a DS dragging them down. Sorry for the long comment. I love you!