Sunday, April 01, 2012

Phoenix's new do

Phoenix made a deal with us. If we cut his hair shorter than he would learn to ride his bike. I think he got the better part of the deal because it's been hard to teach him how to ride his bike.
Phoenix has some great hair. After we made the deal, Mike and Phoenix checked out some online places for boys haircuts and they came up with this..... I will say I'm not a huge fan of his haircut. But I have to remember that he is 6 and it's just hair. It will grow back.
Phoenix is a hot body kid and when his hair is really long he gets hot super fast. With warming temps. We felt it was best to cut it. We still wanted some length. So why not give him a mullet? He thinks he is so cool. I'm glad it makes him happy.
The before
The after

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