Wednesday, July 25, 2007


After getting Harry Potter on Saturday morning. I finished reading the book on Tuesday. WOW!!! what an amazing book. I totally cried. I think I'm a little emotionally attached to Harry. That was truly the best book out of all the books in the series. So many twists and turns. Mike has started to read it, I can't wait until he finishes so that we can discuss things. He reread the sixth book so that he could remember what happened. AH! we are so nerdy with our Harry Potter obsession.


Admin said...

Hey Rhiannon - I would LOVe to talk to you about the book... I have the same problem, no one is done to talk to about it yet! My favorite charachter is Snape - always has been. I guess I like those swarthy, smoldering kinda guys... lol. Email me @!

jenna said...

we went camping with some friends and Damon was so annoyed because i stayed in the trailer the whole trip just so I could read it. It was the perfect time to read since I didn't really have to watch the kids, and Denim slept the whole time. Anyways, I loved the book. I couldn't believe how much happened. I was also depressed because it is over. At least the two last movies will come out!!