Friday, February 18, 2011

missing teeth

The day has finally arrived where Jersey's teeth have decided they would like to shake it up and bit. She lost two teeth last year just after school pictures were taken. But it's been forever since anything else has wanted to come out.
Jersey's two front teeth on top have been looking quite snarly as of late and I was just waiting and wondering if they would come out soon. Sure enough on Tuesday night she pulled the first one out. Leaving a gaping hole in her mouth. It's funny to see, she does look cute though. With her last two teeth, the new ones were right behind the baby teeth so we didn't get to see any holes in her mouth.
Jersey is starting to talk a bit funny and eat her on a different side of her mouth. I really can't wait until the other one is gone. She asked me on Wednesday if she was still cute? I said of course. She is a bit self conscience thanks to some kids at school.
Also since her baby teeth are already crowded and the new ones are coming in crazy we are going to be making a trip to the orthodontist. I see braces in the future for this child. Sooner than I was expecting.


Megan said...

she is so cute still! love that girl

Lauren and Jason said...

I'm glad you got a good picture of her without her front teeth. She looks so cute.