Monday, February 14, 2011


The forecast is calling for the weather to be fantastic the next few days. I was so happy yesterday. The weather was perfect. Yes, it was still windy and there is still snow on the ground but the sun shone and was warm. Standing in it just gave me a feeling that winter wasn't going to last much longer. Then no more blues around here. I know 56 degrees isn't a huge thing to proclaim. 
Now today on Valentine's day I still feel warm when I go outside. I can wear a light cardigan and shoes without socks or leg warmers. 
Other things that are making me feel warm inside. Waking up and cleaning up my house, making cookies, swimming and being able to eat a little bit more. 
My gross scabs are going away. But food still taste weird. I know that tonsils don't have taste buds but a diet coke sure doesn't taste good at all. Which makes me sad a little bit. I think it's a good thing that my diet coke habit has been non-existence for two weeks because before the surgery I was getting one everyday. I couldn't pass the McDonald's $1 coke. 
Another thing that has been a happy benefit of getting my tonsils out. I have lost 14 pounds. I know it's amazing. I haven't been this weight since before the Phoenix. I just have to remember that I can't just stuff my face full of food that is bad because I will gain it all back. It's a good thing I have been swimming. Triathlon training has begun. Mike and I are both doing Tris this year. We are doing the same one I did last year and then we are doing one at our favorite vacation spot. BEAR LAKE!!!! It's going to be awesome.
Yep, there are a lot of crappy things too that I feel, but you know with sun shining things don't seem to bad. I really wish we could bottle sunshine and the warmth that comes with it.

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