Saturday, February 19, 2011

{the first spark}

This weekend has a lot of memories attached to it.
This weekend is the exact scenario of how the meeting all began.
I took a plane to from Sunny Arizona to wintery Utah to meet a boy, a guy, that I had met on the Internet ( I know, weird) We had been chatting for a month and found out that we actually knew someone in common.
We were both extremely nervous to meet each other. I was even more nervous when he had arranged for his mom and sister with her children to pick me up from the airport, since he was working. I remember his sister getting a call from him asking if I was cute and she trying to be coy about it. We went to Chili's, the same Chili's that I worked at later in life. We went Shopping at Jordan Landing, when there was just an Old Navy. I was so excited to go there since they hadn't built one in AZ. I went back to his house with his sister, her children, and his mom waiting for him to get off work. I'm pretty sure he broke ever speed limit to get home as fast as he could.
Finally he came to his house, me waiting, not even knowing if I would like the kid or not. Because you see both of us didn't really know what the other looked like. His profile picture was small and of him sitting on a seal lion statue. Mine was a picture taken in bad lighting that was a side view of my face. I was also wearing a heavy coat. That added some bulk to me.
We went to a photo booth at Crossroads mall.
We left his house to meet all of his friends with their wives. The weekend became a bit of blur but we did go to Temple Square holding hands and under a light post in front of the Conference Center. He told me he loved me. I was nervous so I said "thanks" (who does that? Oh me), Monday was President's Day. He worked at Brighton Ski resort at the time and that was the real reason I was there. To go snowboarding. Unfortunately I had let on that I was better than I was. So not really familiar with Brighton I was not happy, that there was a foot of new snow, ungroomed and lots of trees.( I was use to Sunrise and Snowbowl, in AZ)  I wasn't on my best behavior. It was really good that I was really skinny and hot. Or we might have ended it right there. After a full day of snowboarding, he had to go to work and I was left hanging out. I took his car and drove to the mall. (so trusting) The next day was the departure. I was really sad to have to go home. I really liked him.
My dad was right when he dropped me off at the airport at the beginning of the weekend. That this weekend would change my life. It certainly did.


Lauren and Jason said...

So sweet sis. I don't remember much of you leaving that weekend but I"m glad Mike became a part of our family because of it. I love you guys!

The Wilkins' said...

Ahhh the memories!!! I definitely remember that time in your life! I'll admit it, I thought you were crazy! :) I'm SOOO glad it all worked out. You guys were definitely meant to be together!

mad white woman said...

what a cute little love story.

MCAM said...

I LOVE THIS STORY!! I had no idea this is how you two met. That is awesome!