Wednesday, March 02, 2011

a new journey is about to be embarked

Last week, Mike and I took Jersey to the orthodontist. what a fun trip? (sarcasm enter here) I have know for a long time that Jersey's mouth would be a financial burden just by watching her baby teeth come in. They were bunching, tight, and sort of crooked. But they were baby teeth so we had to wait until the day her teeth decided to come out. At the beginning of the school year she lost two teeth on the bottom. Then recently one of her top teeth. The other top tooth is just dangling there and so snaggled. After taking the kids to the dentist, the dentist suggested that we go to the orthodontist for an evaluation on her teeth to see if pulling more teeth would be a good option. 
We went to the same orthodontist that I went to because I liked them there. After having our free consultation we found out that Jersey's new teeth can't not come in until the dentist pulls some teeth (5) and the orthodontist needs to put a space maintainer on the bottom of her mouth. Because your bottom teeth are more shifty than the top teeth. (The full mouth x-ray confirmed my suspensions that she had a small mouth and big teeth.)
There are more phases to come with all those jumbled teeth. She of course thinks she is so cool to go to the orthodontist. Poor kid doesn't understand the pain that she is going to be in, in the years to come. She was blessed with a small mouth and big teeth.
I feel as though Mike and I are truly out of the baby stage of life. I was holding on hope that stage wouldn't go away, but trips to the orthodontist help you snap back to reality that you are a parent of school age child, that will soon be a tween, teenager, young adult and than an adult. 
Oh heaven help me!

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