Wednesday, July 14, 2010

{9 years}

Nine years of bliss, trial, love, patience, kindness, happiness, laughter, sadness, tears, and joy. Mike is the best man for me. He is more than I ever wanted. He is always trying to make me happy. I love all the things he has done for me and continues to do for me. I couldn't be on this journey with anyone else. 
We have these beautiful children together that look so much like him. I'm so happy for the life I have with him. Yes, we have had our up and downs. He buoys me up when I'm tired, sad, and depressed. He puts up with a lot. 
Thank you love for being so much more than I could have imagined.


Jenna said...

Happy 9 Rhi! So glad you are happy!

amy said...

congrats on 9 years! it's flown by... in some ways.