Monday, January 25, 2010


On Wednesday I felt awful. I wasn't sick like running a fever or coughing so I went to work. But I came home with the worst sore throat ever. The next morning my throat was worse. I couldn't swallow and trying to talk was difficult. I didn't have a runny nose or congestion so I didn't think I had the flu. I thought strep throat but thought it was funny that I could have that.
After taking medicine that didn't seem to do anything I went to the DR. I tested positive for strep. I had the choice of taking medicine by pill form or by a shot. I need the quickest method to feeling better. I chose the shot. I came home to rest but we all know that mom's don't get that luxury. I of course didn't go to work. A fever set in and I was bundling up.
For two days this went on. Mike was gone over the weekend so that made things tough but to my surprise the kids were great. They went to bed when I asked and listened to me. Shocker, I know.
By Sunday I was almost feeling like myself but just really tired. Then today my ear started to hurt. The pain was making me dizzy so I took another day off to be home to rest and get my strength back.
If it's one thing with me it's something else.


Lauren and Jason said...

That sucks! Sorry!

mad white woman said...

Sorry you are sick. It's the pits when the mom gets sick. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Jenna said...

Hope you are all better Rhi!

Heather said...

Bragg's apple cider vinegar always helps my sore throat. It'll make you want to vomit so chase it with something.

GET better SOON!