Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Being Crafty

During the colder months of the year when we are cooped up and don't want to go outside. My creative juices start to flow. This time it's to the river for making jewelry. I was a little fend up that when I bought something at the store it would fall apart after the first wearing it. I was also curious on how some of those really cool long necklaces and those really neat watch bands were made. I did some playing around and came up with some cool designs. Good enough, my friends say to sell or open my Etsy shop. Hmm.... I will have to think about that.
Mike has also been honing his craft of making large frames. Not like the ones I make but frames to hold poster pictures and works of art. When the Olympics were here, so many years ago. We bought the mat and Mike arranged our Olympic pins that we collected around the mat. We had the wood so all we needed to buy was the glass. The whole picture turned out awesome. I'm so lucky to have a husband that is crafty and handy in making cool things.

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