Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ten Years of Snowbird

Mike received his ten year award from his job on Friday night.
He works at Snowbird ski resort. He got his job at Snowbird a few weeks after we got married and moved to Utah. Mike has a strong connection to this place. His family has been coming to Snowbird every thanksgiving week since he was three. So he basically got a dream job.
Snowbird has been good to our family. There have been times were we thought maybe he should find somewhere else, but he loves it to much to give up on it now. The CEO of Snowbird said some nice things about him when he was receiving his award so his hard work doesn't go unnoticed.
So happy for Michael!

1 comment:

mad white woman said...

Jason's been at his company for about 10 years, minus a 9 month leave. The difference is his company doesn't really show appreciation for his hard work and tells him and the other employees they are a dime a dozen. Super great for employee morale! :)