Friday, July 25, 2008


On Phoenix's birthday we celebrated by having pancakes, bacon, eggs and orange juice. I like to make a special breakfast for birthdays. We sang "Happy Birthday" to him and when we were done he kept singing to himself.

He opened presents from us, he loved them. I found some great deals at Target for clearance shirts. I found a Star Wars shirt, a Cars shirt and Incredible Hulk shirt. He was asking for a new Lighting McQueen not that he doesn't have 3 others already. But I indulged in his obsession. He was spoiled by getting a big package from Grandma Laurie and Grandpa Gary. (Thanks MOM and DAD)

Jersey was quite jealous by her little brother getting so much attention. One of Phoenix's toys that we gave him was a little Indiana Jones action figure. It came with a Marion Ravenwood. So Jersey was telling Phoenix this is my toy and the Indiana is yours. We have to remind her that these are Phoenix's things and that when she had a birthday we didn't make her share her things with Phoenix.

We later met up with Mike's sister. She just moved into a beautiful new home. So we went to check it out and to see if she needed some help. While Mike was helping I took the kids to a local splash park where the kids ran around through water features. Jersey loved it, Phoenix not so much. It made him tired though.

Jersey kept asking when all the friends were coming over to celebrate but we just kept it quiet and spent it as a family. We of course will have a bigger family party on Sunday. I love making the whole week about the kids. We like to get the kids a big gift on their birthday as well and the thing that we are getting Phoenix had to be order online so unfortunately it won't be here until Tuesday. I hope he likes it. It is a rug that has a car track on it.
UPDATE: Mr. Phe. had a Dr. Appt. today for his "well child" he is 3 1/2 feet tall and 30 pounds and for the most part we have rid him of his bottle drinking habit. Now on to potty training

1 comment:

Kristin Coppee said...

How fun! Happy Birthday to Phoenix! My son, John was born on the 26th, so their birthdays are really close. My boy is 12 today. I can't believe it! He's getting the priesthood. They grow up way too fast.