Saturday, July 21, 2007

The wait is over

I'm so glad I was introduced to Harry Potter by Katie Wilkins. Thanks Kate. I have enjoyed reading the books multiple times and I go as far as waiting in line for the new books to come out. Since the 4Th book I have waited in line. When the 6Th book came out, I was really prenant with Phoenix. The 5th book came out right after Jersey was born. How funny that I think of my kids with Harry Potter?
Well there is no new baby this time but I did stand in line at a mad house of a place.
WAL-MART!!! It was crazy I got there a little after 11pm. People were already standing in line. They also had these nifty little wristbands and according to them if you didn't have a red band there was no chance in Hell that you were going to get a book. When I heard this I went to get my little wristband and it ended up being one for Slytherin. Who wants to be a part of that? Well I asked about how many books they had because honestly I didn't want to stand in line only to be shot down in disappointment. The managers assured me that they had only passed out 300 wristbands and they had over 1500 books. So I felt safe and found a space in line.

{Christy, Rhiannon and Jessica after we got our books}

I don't consider myself a freak very often but when you are waiting in a line for a Harry Potter book you feel like a 28 year-old freak. I was feeling better about myself because the sort of people that were at this Wal-mart at 12am were a little more freakish than me. After waiting in line forever (no it was only like 20 minutes) I got my book I was nerdy and jumped up and down so happy to get my copy. I went straight for the check out before going grocery shopping. I didn't want to just put the book in my cart for fear that someone would come steal my precious treasure. When I finally came home it was just after 1am once the groceries were put away I sat down and read to my hearts content. I didn't go to bed until 3am and got all the way through chapter 4. The only thing that I have wanted to do today was read my book. So that is what I did much to my children's dislike. I did stop momentarily to feed them but went right back to reading. I can't put the book down. I feel a little guilty right now not reading my book and continuing the journey with Harry.
{the smell of a new book it so sweet}


Hillary Corpuz said...

AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! My friend was at Costco and picked it up for me...
Missed you at book club.

Admin said...

I LOVE it!!! I had to get up really early Saturday morning (3:30am) to make it to an early running group, so I just went to Walmart on the way and got it too!! It was awesome because there was a huge pile of them just sitting there! I read ALL day yesterday too! Haha! It is so hard resisting today, but I HAVE to or else nothing will get done!! (We have NO clean dishes!!) It is such a good book!!!

mad white woman said...

yeah, i've always thought people that wait in line for those things are CRAAAAAZY! :) what's more addicting... harry potter or blogging?

The Wilkins' said...

I feel so special that I introduced you to HP. The only sad thing is that I gave up on it, and haven't read any after book 2 I think. I'm sure eventually I will. I'm glad you stuck with it though! Don't worry, you were definitely not alone in the world "neglecting" your family to read the book. :)