I love changing out my hair color and a few months ago I did. I went brunette. Thoughts?
I am getting my hair done again and I don't know if I should stay brunette or go back to blonde. I did have more fun as a Blondie. But I also like the natural looking hair.
Decisions.... Decisions.
And if you are my friend on facebook. That photo for my profile pic is a year old.
Sorry for the confusion.
I vote Brunette. Stay brown! Love it.
I like it! You look very cute! An idea (coming from a brunette): if you want to stay brunette and then just get high lights I always get a high light and a low light to keep it more natural looking. It gives it a look like the sun helped with the high lights, at least I think so. But I do like it! I am finally not the only child with brown hair in the family!
Keep the brunette... i LOVE it. After a year and a half of being my natural brown self, I have decided to go back to blonde. I miss it. But you... you look cute with brown!!!
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