Friday, April 29, 2011

Don't weddings make you cry?

I don't know what it is but when I see a wedding whither it's on TV or in real life, the waters works begin. Same goes for graduations. I'm sure some of you that are crazy enough stayed up all night or woke up really early to catch a glimpse of the Wedding of the Century. I'm of course crazy enough to get two hours of sleep, which was restless because of my excitement, and wake up in time to watch Prince William and Harry arrive at the Abbey. Then watching Kate Middleton. She looked amazing, I don't care what the ladies on the View. I would like to avoid making it a habit to get up at 3am. It's pretty brutal

The pagentery of the Royals is amazing as well. I love when they were those hats. We Americans need to take some fashion advice from the British, in wearing hats and facinators. I always have grand ideas of the way I want things to turn out but then something comes up, like sleep, those plans don't happen. I really wanted to make my own facinator for the big day. I found some easy steps on how to make own off of Family Fun magazine. Don't worry I'm trying to think how I could pull one off at church. What do think the reaction would be if I showed up wearing a peacock feather on my head? We shall see.

I hope for the best for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge!

{I'm glad that some people DVR the wedding so they could pick out the quotes that were given. I really like these two,

"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."
"It is possible to transform so long as we do not harbour ambitions to reform our partner..."}

1 comment:

The Van Leeuwen Family said...

OH my heck I loved everything about it. Kate looked STUNNING in that simple yet amazingly regal dress - I gasped in excitement at first glance of it. And everyone in attendance looked just amazing...with exception of 'beatrice & eugenie' I thought they looked awful, almost reminding me.of the 'step-sisters' from cinderella - lol. Ive been totally hooked on all things royal wedding today - I dont want the day to end. Plus with all the awful things happening in our world these days it's so wonderful to see such a bright & happy moment. Not to mention it was a real life fairy tale happening before our very eyes - not that an average.girl becomes the future queen of England. Makes you wonder if she (like most little girls) dreamed of someday becoming a princess, or dreaming of marrying Prince William only to actually do it. I wish them the very best & all the happiness in the world. Long live the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge!! Cant wait to see their babies :)