Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Becoming a good reader

It's funny when your child is learning to read. To actually see the wheels working in their head. Putting sounds together. Reading small words. Memorizing the words that are against the rule. I have to remember that the English language with all it's rules and pronunciation is really difficult. And we can't forget the slang that we all use.
Jersey is a very good speller but when it comes to reading it has been a struggle for her and for us. I found out that spelling is in a different part of the brain and reading is in another part. Reading takes more practice than anything Jersey has had to do. She is good with all things that are memorizing but when it comes to focusing on a word she struggles. We struggle with her because it's hard to watch her read and I hate admit but listening, takes a lot of effort for me to stay focused on the story. 
Since Jersey has been a late bloomer, from the beginning I have believed that one day with enough practice, patience, and time that it would click in her head. She has been in reading program at school and I have seen how this program has helped her with not only reading but with comprehension. (something I still struggle with myself) 
With her new found empowerment through reading. We have also realized that not everything she reads is good. The other day she told Mike a funny anecdote. She told him how on her bus there were some words on the seat and they went as follows, "this bus smells like shit" Mike was taken back, He said what? Then Jersey said it again.  He couldn't stop laughing but in all serious also explained that we don't say that word. 
I'm proud that Jersey has developed in how she can sound out words and is reading better. 
Now, how do I shield her from all the crappy words and phrases?


mad white woman said...

I think I'd be horrified. I've got to learn how to hide my shock when my kids are old enough to do stuff like this.

Clara has an underbite, so we're going to have lots of fun orthodontist trips and expenses in the future. :)

Lauren and Jason said...

How does she like the books that I sent her?

Rhiannon said...

Yes, Lauren, Jersey is really happy that she got some books to read for Christmas. She actually got to Lanie books and she wanted to donate one to her classroom library. She was really excited to do that.