Thursday, January 20, 2011

ski day

yesterday we took the kids out for some skiing. We have had 5 weeks off of school since Christmas for off track time. We told ourselves that we would go every Wednesday. But there were a few Wednesdays that we didn't make it up the mountain.
One last Wednesday we went on the real mountain. It had been 2 years since I had been on the mountain not the bunny hill. I was so spooked but as the day progressed on got over it. We had to leave early because someone (won't name who) had a potty accident. So yesterday we tried it again to go skiing. We stayed on the Bunny hill or Chickadee. I felt so good. There was some fresh powder and it wasn't to cold or I finally learned how to dress for the weather.
With the kids going back to school on Monday I wish we took more time to ski more since the kids love it. But we have Saturday mornings that we can take advantage of.

1 comment:

Mark and JanaRae said...

sounds fun. I still haven't been snow skiing. I am not sure I really want to. I am such a wimp when it comes to the cold :) I guess if I ever go you will have to give me some tips to keep warm.