Every year we celebrate the 4th by going to the West Jordan Western Stampede. It's great fun! We dress up in our cowboy gear. Cheer as loud as we can when the bronco riders are out, as well as the bull riders.
Jersey loves it all. She has since she could talk. She has always wanted to be a Rodeo Queen. A few years ago she competed in mutton bustin' but last year we couldn't get her in. This year I went ridiculously early to the the sign-ups and she was able to get in the competition.
Saturday, the kids were so giddy, it was like Christmas. Before they called the Mutton busters to come down the kids were asking, is it time? Can we go now? Finally it was time. We got some instructions on what to expect and we put on the helmets.
Jersey was the 3rd to the last person to ride. The other children were impressive but many were smaller than Jersey. I just had a feeling that she would do great. The video camera was ready, since the last time I didn't get anything, The cowboys put her down in the bucking chute and she was holding on tight. We told her not to let go even if the sheep went down. She did awesome! When they said her score (88) and Mike and I were screaming and cheering.
Next we had Phoenix up. They announced his name. The announcer said " This is Phoenix Nielsen, 4, how would you like to be the brother of the leader" Poor Phoenix. This was his first time on a sheep. He was doing good until they stuck him on the sheep. He was more hesitant. But he did it. The gate opened and the sheep took off. Pho was off the sheep so fast. His score was 68. He turned to look at us and his mouth was covered in dirt. He looked like he was going to cry. There was one more kid after Phoenix. We wanted to run out on to the arena but we had to wait. We were screaming at the kids to get them to look at us. {*The video is of Phoenix's ride. I will post Jersey's later}
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