Saturday, December 06, 2008

It's official

For all those inquiring minds out there in blog world. I found out yesterday that my arm is broken. Just in time for the holidays. I will be getting a hard cast next Monday. The Doctor said I could have one that is red with candy cane trim. WOW! I can look like a bigger dork than I already am. Hooray for dorkdum.
I do have to say that this incident could have been worse so I'm grateful that it's a broken arm and nothing more.


mad white woman said...

What a bummer!

I totally think you should get red w/ candy cane trim. Not dorky, awesome.

Becca said...

How do you make it smell like a candy cane? Cause if I remember right, my cast back in the day smelled gross after awhile. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

dude. go big or go home. embrace the candy cane cast. because really, how often does that happen in time for the holidays?

Ern said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your arm, Rhi! I hope it heals quickly!!! Don't forget to post a pic of the candy cane cast!

Clay's gal said...

You poor girl! I think that cast sounds cute! You should get that one! Hope you feel okay!

Dani Peek said...

And I thought I had bad luck. Poor Rhiannon - let me know if you need anything, since you're officially a gimp for awhile. Remember, I'm only a couple of streets away! :)