Monday, August 18, 2008


The Woolly bison are about to be attacked by the Arctic wolf! AAH!

Now you are entering the Serengeti.

Two weeks ago after we dropped Jersey off to school. Mike Phe and I went down to Cabella's a sporting goods store in Lehi. What an amazing store. I had never been there but the place was nuts. So much camping stuff. We had to go there to get a tent Mike had placed on hold. We walked around killing some time before going back home. They had all these animals that we stuffed. Phoenix was a little freaked out about the animals. He did like the "shoot guns" video game.

They also had giant fish tanks full of fish. I have never seen so many big fish. I tried to take pictures of them because they were so blog worthy but none of them turned out.

What a interesting place.

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