Thursday, August 07, 2008

The Big day!

Jers had a great first day of school. We have survived the first three days. I was nervous when we were walking over. Here I go letting my kid into the BIG BIG WORLD. Be kind cruel WORLD. Yes, I'm a little over dramatic about the whole thing. I didn't cry I pouted, it was a good thing that Mike had the day off and had already thought of some things for us to do while we waited for Jers to come home. Phe had a harder time then the rest of us. He cried all the way home for his "sis sis." He didn't want to live because he wanted to be with her.
When Jers came home she had a big smile on her face. She showed us the papers that she had colored for the day. To celebrate the occasion we went to Panda Express for lunch. My idea wasn't to original because there were several other families with kids Jersey age wearing what looked like new clothes and having lunch. She was a princess for the day.


hoopes03 said...

Jimmy told me to say hi "nannon". Your family is way cute. Jimmy also wants to know where you are living now?

Lauren and Jason said...

It's crazy that she is in Kindergarten now but Jersey looks so cute!

Cook Family said...

Wow Rhianon, you have a kindergartener! She is so cute! I love the shoes:). That's great she had a good day.

Kristin Coppee said...

How fun! I will never forget sending John off to pre-school and then kindergarten for the first time. Now he's starting junior high! YIKES! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he has a good year and isn't bullied too much. I'd like to wish for "not at all" on the bullying, but that's probably asking too much. Just another two years and I'll be sending my Sylvie-Faye off to kindergarten. CRAZY!!! Jersey looks adorable. I hope she has a good school year.

Mark and JanaRae said...

Ethan starts school on the 25th. I can barely believe it. Jake has school envy. He really wants to be big and get a new back pack and lunch box. I am feeling like Ethan is a little young to be in All Day kindergarten but I guess we'll see how it goes when we start. We meet his teacher tomorrow. How exciting. I am glad that you made it through the first day.

The Garrison Family said...

I sent two off to school last monday. One is in first grade and one in kindergarten. Believe me it is only hard for a couple of weeks, then you start getting so much done you start counting down for the other ones to leave to. Tomorrow my third one (caleb) is starting preschool 3 days a week! yeah!!!