Friday, July 25, 2008

Pioneer Day

I love Pioneer Day. I have always loved hearing stories about the pioneers and how they travelled across the plains. I think it has alot to do with my mom. She loves that stuff and she passed that love down to me.
I thought it was strange when I said to Jersey, "Happy Pioneer Day" she just looked at me funny and said "what's a Pioneer?" I couldn't believe that she didn't know. I had read books to her about Pioneers and sang songs. But I guess I needed to be more hand-ons if she was going to know who they really were.

Since Mike had the day off we went downtown. First, we went to the little Pioneer house that is across from Temple Square. Jersey was amazed that it was such a small house. Then we walked around the Church History museum. We showed the kids all the stuff about how Joseph Smith was killed, hand carts and a covered wagon. In the mock ZCMI store there were some boots. I told Jersey that they wore boots everyday. She thought that was wonderful, since she shares a passion for boots.

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