Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mr. Phe is Three

Yes that is right. three years ago today, 6:55am to be exact, Phoenix made his debut into the world. I can never get over the whole child birthing process. Jersey and Phoenix have great stories leading up to the day of their arrival.
Phoenix's story:
I was at work taking a phone call and all of a sudden I couldn't talk or move. The lady on the line was getting irritated because I couldn't talk. When the pain went away I said " I think I'm in labor" she gasped and was more polite. She started saying just take your time. My friends around me were in shock as well. My due date wasn't for another 4 weeks. All I kept thinking was 'is this a false alarm or is this the real deal?' I got off the call with the customer and my supervisor was like what do you want me to do? Do we need to call an ambulance? I didn't know how long the contractions were going or how far apart they were. I stopped to breath a moment and said I needed to call Mike.
Ten days prior to this Mike and I were in the hospital for the same thing really hard contractions. They told me that it was too early that I couldn't give birth yet. My contractions were steady then but I wasn't making progress. They gave me a shot of morphine and sent me on my way.
Of course you could imagine Mike's tone when I called and said that I was in pain the contractions were about 15 minutes apart and he needed to get to my work NOW! He was so bugged. He had just arrived at my nephew's baseball game to pick up Jersey. When I got in the car he said "I'm not leaving the hospital unless I have a baby with us" (quite demanding, I know) We got to the hospital (LDS) which is downtown. I get to the desk and say that I'm in pain and I think the baby is coming. So they lead us to a room. It was the tiniest delivery room. Of course they ask you to change and pee in a cup. All standard procedure, right? Well after the tested my pee they said that something was wrong. The sugar was off the charts. The nurse asked if I could recall what I ate that day. "Um a bag of Oreo cookies, I'm not talking a sleeve but the whole thing." She asked what time was that? "Oh at 2pm" She walked out of the room so fast. Another nurse arrived saying that I needed to lie down because it was going to be awhile. I was hooked up to all the monitors. I was doing great but Phoenix wasn't his little heart wasn't beating very hard. The nurses called my DR. to tell him that I was there in the hospital and it looked like I would be staying. He was surprised because two days prior he had said I was no where near delivery. He came on over to the hospital.
Mike was nervous, being this was his first time to experience labor and delivery (he sorta missed that last one), Mike held my hands during the epidural he was amazed that I didn't cry. After things were calmed down, he ran home to gather a few things. I had packed my bag but it wasn't in my car. (I still had 4 weeks) When he came back he had brought the portable DVD player and the new Harry Potter book. I sat and watched a movie while he read. The contractions weren't really moving the labor along but Phoenix was getting more faint. To get a better reading the nurse put a monitor on Phoenix's head. She said you might want to get some sleep since at this point it was 1 or 2 am. Around 5 am my water broke, I woke up in a cold mess, the nurses were like, he's coming. They had to get my bedding changed, wake the Dr. and try to get Mike up as well. I was yelling at him you are going to miss this. The DR. came in, he was wearing some kind of rocker shirt and said "oh I'd better change" After he came back and the nurses were ready they said OK Mike it's time to hold her legs. Mike gave a funny look and said "hell no, I'm not doing that" so the poor nurse had to go scramble for someone else. Now it was time to push. I'm glad it wasn't very long, it was like two pushes and Phoenix was here. Of course my tactful husband said " That's it? That's what we have waited for 9 months?" I just looked at him with disgust.
Phoenix's arrival didn't mean that it was easy for him. The nurses rushed him off to the NICU. I didn't get to hold him right away. His heart and lungs were struggling. Mike went to watch. I still remember the nurse that helped us all night long. saying that her shift was over before Phoenix was born but she wasn't going to miss this delivery he had put her through a lot of trouble.
Even though Phoenix got off to a rocky start you won't believe it now. He is a ball full of energy, the most lovable little guy and so inquisitive. He loves his cars, trains, dirt and markers. He loves to color and will if I'm not watching color all over himself and the walls. We have so many masterpieces around the house that can't be taken off. Someday I will frame the art and give it to him as a house warming gift.

I can't imagine our lives without him.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Phoenix

We love our Pho or Phe (as we like to call him)


Lauren and Jason said...

Yeah for Phe! Happy Birthday to him! I can't believe he's 3. And I didn't know the whole story of his birth. Wow. I love you, sis.

Clay's gal said...

Happy Birthday to your little guy!! I love his name!!

mad white woman said...

Wow! I would have been in trouble if Clara was four weeks early. I had nothing ready. I was six days late with her and even then, my bags weren't packed. :) Why wouldn't Mike hold your leg? That's the EASY part!