Saturday, July 05, 2008

4th of July

What a great day to sit around and watch parades, fireworks and kids trying to make smores. I hope everyone had a great one, just like I did. I was nice to be home with Mike in the morning, we got ready and went down the West Jordan 4th of July parade. It was a little weird because my kids were the only kids there. One of my sister in laws was running a race and the other nieces were in the parade and my nephew was playing in a baseball tournament. So that just left my kids by themselves. But I don't think they minded to much.

They loved every minute of the parade. It was a little overcast so it made you believe that you weren't getting sunburned. Of course my kids were pink by the end of the night. Phoenix loved the firetrucks and the police cars. Jersey of coursed loved the horses and the "princess girls"

The West Jordan parade seriously has turned out to be an advertisement fest. Not only to you have politicians trying to get your vote but also business handing out fliers and salt water taffy. The kids wanted to eat but I told them that were sending it to Grandma Laurie because she is the only one that likes it.

After the parade we had a little picnic courtesy of McDonald's and then Mike left for work. I went home with Liz and Carl and we were planning on going to the swimming pool, Phoenix fell asleep so instead of waking him up and he being a cranky kid, I stayed home and Jersey went with her Grandparents. I enjoyed the break and watched some T.V. I even watched the news which I haven't seen in like two months because of working all through the night.

When everyone returned home from the pool we had a little BBQ at Jen's. The food was great. Jersey and Phoenix didn't want to eat they just wanted to play and play. (I can't image having that much energy) When the sun went down we made s'mores and watch a movie outside on the side of Jen's house. I love that we can sit outside and watch a movie the night was actually quite chilly.

I'm grateful that I live in a country where I have so many freedoms. I know there is a lot of crazy stuff happening in our country but when I think about it doesn't seem to be that bad. The memory that reminds me that isn't so bad was when I lived in Poland (of course) when I would see the people waiting outside the American Consulate waiting for their number to be called so that they could get a visa. It was sad to see so many people sitting there still believing that this was the land of opportunity and that if they came here things would be so much better. I am very bless to have a good life.

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