Saturday, June 07, 2008

Someone turned the BIG 5-0!

Today is the day that one fabulous woman turns 50! I can't believe it. I'm sure she can't too. This lady if you haven't guess is my mom! What a mom. She is truly my best friend. I haven't said it enough I know. She is always there for me even if it's just a listening ear. So I wanted to write something really eloquent about her but lets face it I'm not the best at sounding that way so instead I thought I would add a few photos from the past and give you all 50 fun facts about my mom.
1. She always has a smile on her face.

2. She makes the best food. It has been really hard for me to replicate. One word "ROLLS"

3. She loves camping.

4. She loves each of her kids like they are her favorite one.

5. She is proud of her heritage. I grew up with a strong sense of who I was and where my family came from because she instilled that in me.

6. She use to be a "Dairy Fairy" that is what they called them in the "old" days at Dairy Queen

7. She plays the flute

8. She played the organ in my ward growing up, so like for ten years. She was only released once when she was pregnant with my sister Megan.

9. She loves to window shop

10. She is great at Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble. She is full of fun facts

11.As part of the Tongan culture she is our "Fuha" it's really "fawho" of our family. Meaning all of her brothers and sisters have to respect her and her decisions. (What power!)

12. She is a hard worker. She worked at Mervyn's for ten years. We always got the best clothes because she would see something on the clearance rake and get it.

13. She doesn't have a very loud voice and when she would raise it (not that she was mad) we would all think she would be because she didn't usually get that loud.

14. She is the first born to my Grandparents

15. She has 3 brothers and 2 sisters

16. She played in the band in high school and she always tired to tell us that it was so cool.

17. She is a great seamstress. She can sew anything, I'm talking like prom dresses and such. I loved it one time for a dance I needed a dress and we couldn't find anything so we went to the store found a pattern and it was made with in a few days. People would say where did you get your dress and I could proudly say "my mom made it"

18. She loves to travel

19. She loves to explore. When we lived in Poland I loved to walk around the city with her just to explore

20. She is like a walking compass.

21. She is always thinking of others and how to help them.

22. She is a good listener.

23. She loves art. When I was in grade school she would come and do art masterpiece. I loved how she taught me to appreciate all types of art.

24. She loves a clean house. (who doesn't) I knew when I was younger that if the house was clean when she came home from work she would be happy.

25. She let me cut her hair once. I think it was the best hair cut ever:)

26. She is a wonderful Grandma. My children love their "Grandma Raurie" They talk about her all the time. I think it because they get spoiled when she comes.:)

27. She loves the outdoors.

28. She loves flowers

29. She loves gardening. Even though our gardens never worked in Arizona the fact that she tired was the example I needed to do my own.

30. She has four kids

31. She loves animals.

32. She is selfless.

33. She is a good teacher.

34. She sings beautifully

35. She remembers everyone. She can remember people that she hasn't seen in forever. She also can say "well you are related to so in so by through this person" This was not helpful information when she would meet a guy that I was dating sometimes she would inform me that I was distant cousins with that person. Yeah I didn't date them very long. I had to marry someone out of state for there to be no relation involved.:)

36. She is very spiritual. When I sit in Primary and they sing "Love at Home" I always think of my mom.

37. She loves to collect material. I have been told that when she dies each of her children will be getting some of it.

38. She loves to walk through a quilt shop. She is like a kid in a candy store.

39. She is a peacemaker.

40. She loves musicals. I'm glad that she has instilled that love for musicals in me.

41. She is passionate

42. She loves her van.

43. She has lived in a lot of states and lived in Poland

45. She knows how to fish.

46. She loves to go on hikes. I remember when we use to camp in the White Mountains that she would take the kids on a hike and we would go for hours. She would know so much about the flora and fauna in the area.

47. She is a MHS alum and I am glad that I could go to the same High School as she.

48. She is a friend to everyone.

49. She loves my dad.


50. I look like her. I hope to someday be just like her!

I am sure that there are 50 more things that my mom is wonderful at. But you get the picture that she is a wonderful person and I would a nobody without her. Thanks mom for all the love and care that you have given to each of us kids and kids-in-law.

1 comment:

mad white woman said...

your mom is so sweet. what a great post. and i love those pictures. i can't believe how much dallin looks like your dad in that first picture and how much lauren looks like your mom in the second. crazy!!