Saturday, June 21, 2008

He's crafty

I like to take a second and say that my husband is a little crafty. I know that I bagged on him for his Father's Day post. That post was a joke if you didn't know. But I'm very grateful for a husband that likes to build things. One of Mike's projects that he has been working on is a DVD shelf for the many movies that we own.

Before the shelf we had put all the movies in a the storage closet and it was getting a little full not just with movies but with blankets, games and the vacuum. Mike came up with an idea to make this shelf and to place it under the ledge or counter in the family room. After he got it all stained he mounted it to the wall and organized all the movies. We put some of the old videos in there because we are little afraid of Phoenix discoverying them.

I'm pretty pleased with the result of Mike's handy work. He always does an amazing job when he builds something.

1 comment:

mad white woman said...

pretty nifty! not only does it look good, but it's a good use of that space, too.