Thursday, May 29, 2008

pre-school graduation

{super long}

Yesterday, was just one full day of WOW! I think everyone in the house woke up on the wrong side of the bed or in someone Else's bed (phoenix). We all woke up before 9am which is good but I think because of that two little children needed some rest in the middle of the day. Mike and I denied them of that because we thought it would be better for them, I guess this is one time that parents didn't know best.
Jersey and Phe started their day off right with Coco puffs, you can't go wrong with that. Then their best friends were home so they went to play at their house. Of course after an hour they wanted to come home and play at our house. Which was fine since I was able to do some cleaning. Mike came home from working with his bestest friend in the whole world Coby. (Yeah I'm the second bestest friend to Coby) Mike asked me if I thought it was a good idea to send the children with him to go to his sister's house. She is wanting to put her house up for sale and I volunteered Mike to be her handyman so that their house would be ready to sale. I knew that his nephew would be so excited that Jersey and Phoenix were at his house, it's not like they haven't been there twice this week already. (They had because it was his birthday) Jersey and Phoenix don't go over to his house a lot so I thought it wouldn't be a problem.

Everyone came home and it was time to get ready for Jersey's graduation. She was graduating from Pre-school. I think it is funny how we need a graduation from something. I thought Jersey would be excited to share some songs with us that she learned at pre-school. The graduation was held at the library. I knew though we were in a world of hurt when we walked in with one half asleep child and the other one being nervous. Phoenix was so tired from his day of playing and just plan grumpy. From the moment we walked through the doors to the graduation Jersey was crying. Out of fear, shyness or being just plan tired I couldn't tell. I could just tell the mounting rage I was feeling inside. Of course everyone is looking at you thinking what did you do to make your child cry, but I didn't do anything but bringing her there. Her teacher looking frazzled herself was trying to convince her that she could go on stage to sing songs but Jersey didn't want to listen to a teacher when both of her parents were there. I took her in the bathroom and laid down the guidelines. Guidelines: You go out into the conference room and stop crying. #2 If you would like to go to Applebee's afterwards you need to stop crying. #3 If you don't stop crying then we are just going to leave and there will be no graduation from pre-school. My guidelines worked for a bit but then she started to have a hissy fit over what stool she was going to sit on. Almost all the kids had arrived and the stool she had been eyeing was taken. AHHH! Mike took her out this time and talked to her. Not a good combo. She came back with more tears and Mike said that we were going. The waterworks continued to flow, our rage getting higher and higher. We didn't know what to think about our kid was she really ready to go to Kindergarten? After walking out of the library twice she finally got the hint that her parents were serious. She went and sat down on the stool, with a tear stained face she sang her alphabet song and tuti ta song. She smiled and was beaming with happiness.

After everything was over we got into the car and she asked, "So we are going to Applebee's right?" I was not happy by that question. I told her we were proud of what she had accomplished in pre-school but unfortunately her attitude told us that we would not be taking her out to dinner tonight. We could have, because yes she did finally get up and sing and was happy but that was after ten minutes of convincing. I did want to take her. I didn't want to have to make dinner it was a special day but I didn't want to award the tantrum that had happened prior to her happiness. She wasn't happy again with us. It could have been a great night of family fun instead it was resentment, tears and anger that filled the night.

{three best friends}
We came home and made some homemade pizza and watched movies.
I hope that Jersey's tantrum has taught her that mom and dad won't give in to that behavior no matter what.

Here is a video of Jersey singing.

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