Thursday, March 27, 2008

Field Trip

Jersey's pre-school class went to the fire station on Tuesday. I have never been to a fire station so it was quite interesting to walk around and find out what they do all day.

Phoenix's head was cocked back and his mouth open the entire time. He loved it. Jersey loved being a show off and telling the fireman all about her chapstick and necklace. Some of the other kids were pretty scared. Jersey volunteered to put on the fireman's fire clothes. She thought she was so cool. As she was getting the get up on I was trying to take a bunch of pictures but then realized I could just set the camera to record so I did and took a little video of her trying to move in the clothes.

This fireman was showing us what they wear in a hazmat call. Jersey said "hey you look like a monster like on Monster's Inc."

1 comment:

See it Try it Love it said...

How great that they let the kids get in the firetruck, when we went the kids just got to sit on the side for a picture