Monday, January 02, 2012

New year, a new you

I laugh every year when all the diet commercials are played and celebrities talk about all the weight they have lost on those diet plans that are being advertised.
Well I hope this year is a new year for a new me. So far I have plans to do many races. My one major goal in the fitness area is to run a MARATHON! I hope to see that through.
Here is to many running entries. Today I started that training, I am running a half marathon in March 31st. I ran two miles and swam 500 meters.
I am feeling good.

1 comment:

Mark and JanaRae said...

I ran a couple of marathons and I used the non runners marathon trainer book. It was so great. I would highly recommend it. You can't fail if you follow it. Good luck. Do you have one picked out already? I hear the Ogden one is fabulous!