Thursday, December 08, 2011

Christmas time is here.

I can't believe another year is ending so soon. Before it ends I'm so glad we can celebrate Jesus birth.

As soon as we got home from Snowbird the kids were ready to put up the tree. I wasn't of course but Mike was willing to do all the decorating for Christmas this year. 
We talk about it every year that we are going to get a new tree because we are out growing the one that we have. When we were first married we didn't have any ornaments. So I made some with the help of my sister in law. They are cute wood ornaments with buttons on them. I can't imagine our tree with out them. We also get a Hallmark ornament every year. Since TEN YEARS has past we have alot of ornaments. I have to put all of them on the tree. 
I love those Hallmark commercials this time of year they make me cry. I love pulling out the ornaments and the kids getting excited to see their past ornaments and talk about how that year they did something special or that they liked a special character ie batman. Many of Mike's ornaments are from the Christmas Story because he loves that movie. The kids had never seen the movie until last week. They were so happy to know why their dad got those ornaments. 
Since I can't do the decorating I have lifted the control and given it to Mike. It was hard at first because I still have a box of stuff we didn't put up because I have a special way of decorating. I am happy with the results of Mike's decorating skills. 
With only a few weeks left I am as anxious as the kids to see what is under the tree. I hope to get all my shopping done soon. I have a few things left.

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