Thursday, April 07, 2011

Conference Weekend

We enjoyed Conference just like everyone else I'm sure. I found some great activities for my children to keep themselves busy during the talks. They finished their packets during the first session. Luckily there was more to the packet. It came with these cut outs of the First Presidency that you attach to toilet paper rolls. Jers and Phe colored them and I helped attach them to the toilet paper rolls. There was also a suit of armor for the Armor of God. So they cut out that as well and we attached it to a balloon. For the face the kids wanted me to put glass on the balloon for Harry Potter. I don't know how that correlation works but it was still funny. 
I was really happy that they did sit and listen. Then they were talking about what they learned later. Just random thoughts that I didn't write down. We like to have the radio and the TV on at the same time during conference. Jersey was surprised that downstairs was fast than the upstairs. 

I am truly grateful for my children! 
BTW.... we got our conference handouts from

1 comment:

Paige said...

I love, use it all the time.