Mike ran Ragnar on June 18-19th. He did fantastic. Last year he made the commitment to get there. I wanted to do it too, but I was nervous about running that much. So when his sister was trying to get a team together all the people that said that wanted to run back out, including me. Mike ran with her and her husband and some of their neighbors. They were the Gingerbread Men.
Heather mad an awesome Gingerbread costume. Mike wore it, not when he was running, but around the exchanges. He would pass out gum drops to people. I was the teams volunteer. I didn't get to see the team anywhere but I got to see all the other people that were crazy. I got to call in runners along with writing down the numbers and times of the runners at the exchange. (not all at the same time) I loved the Spirit of the Ragnar. I will get that good to run next year.

Since Mike's sister and husband were running I watched the kids when I got home from volunteering. My niece watched the kids when I was gone. The next morning we woke up and went to Park City to met them when they finished. Mike was the 12th runner, He would be finishing the race and I wanted to see it. My other sister in law came with me. It was nice to have someone else there to help keep track of everyone. We waited and waited and no Mike. I got a call from him telling me that they were behind. So we waited some more. Finally we saw him make it up the hill to the finish. Of course I was crying for joy for him.
I'm pretty proud of him. Way to go Mike!

After the race we went home and got to enjoy the family time for a little bit before Mike was off again to Scout camp. I wasn't feeling so bad for him since he was going to my favorite place in the world.
He was packing up and telling me that he was going to go to La Beau's another favorite place of mine. Lucky. He and the other leader didn't have that much to worry about since they only had two boys from our ward attend scout camp this year. Phoenix told mike I want to be one of your scouts so I can go to scout camp. They all made it home safe on Saturday.
I had to take most of the week off so that I could take care of the kids. I liked my time off. I had all these plans to get things done but I only got half done. I liked being to sit around. That is rare in my life.
1 comment:
Ragnar races are crazy. I'm pretty sure I could never do one... ever.
So fun that your whole family was in town and you all got to be together. I love family gatherings.
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