Friday, May 21, 2010

it's a RACE

Last year I made some goals about running and growing my hair long and eating healthy. Well, apparently for me, writing out my goals doesn't help me accomplish them. Because after running a few weeks last year I stopped. I cut my hair and chocolate is still a part of my life. 
On May 1st there was a local run, called the Linda Buttars Memorial Fun Run. We knew Linda and thought it would be fun to support a local event. There was a 10k and 5k event. I thought no problem I have ran before I could do it. I only ran 3 miles three days prior to the event. So I was surprised how hard it was, how much fun I had and how I want to do another race. 
Mike made good strides running the 10k in 58 mins. I ran the 5k in 53mins. At the beginning of the race I was crying because I couldn't believe I was running, let alone in race. Then I would watch the fire hydrants for a stopping point, so I could walk but then it would hurt more to walk then run so I kept going. Towards the end of race I didn't want Mike to pass me so I ran a little faster. (I'm competitive with my husband.) I felt good about my accomplishment. We both were tired, cold and wet. But we had a good time.

1 comment:

Kristin Coppee said...

HAHA! The beginning of this post cracks me up! I stopped running, chopped my hair and ate chocolate! Sounds like the story of my life!