Monday, September 21, 2009

ABC 1-2-3

Mr. Phe, has started Pre-school. I had been debating whether to put him in school or not. Then a lady in my ward said that she was going to do a pre-school out of her home, it was on Wednesday morning and cheap. I was sold, one for the cheap part and two for the Wednesday part. Mike is home on Wednesday so we get two hours of kid free time and we are awake. One word, bliss.

Phe started the Wednesday after Labor Day. All weekend he kept asking if it was time to go to school. The morning of he woke up at 7:30am and was ready to get dressed to go to school. He was disappointed when I told him that we had to walk Jersey to school and then come home to take his picture.

When he got picked up to go to school he didn't even hesitate he was ready to leave. He enjoyed every minute of it. He came home with tons of pictures and projects that he did. His teacher called me the next day to tell me that she really enjoyed having him in the class. He was a great listener and helper. There was another little boy in the class that was having a hard time leaving his mom. The little boy was crying and crying after the mom left. Phe just looked at him and said "She is going to come back, you know that right?"

I'm glad he likes school and that he is making lots of new friends. Everyday he asks if today is Wednesday sadly I say no. He also loves his new Backpack or pat-pack. He of course need it to be Super Heroes.

Mike and I didn't really know what to do with ourselves. I needed to go to Sam's club so Mike came too. It was nice to walked around not having to tell a child to stop this or stop that. We were out in 20 minutes. We got home and looked at the time. We still had an hour before Phe came home. I think it's time to make a list of the things we can do when the kids are gone so that we don't sit around wasting the time.

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