Friday, August 14, 2009

Saying Good-bye are never fun.

The last week in July was pretty busy for us. The Temple Open house, Jersey starting school, Phe's birthday and also my parents moving from Illionis to the Marshall Islands. They came to Utah to bring all their belongs. The stuff they were shipping over seas. My Dad got a job working at the Community College there. So off my parents go on their next great adventure!

They brought there stuff here because when they move back they want to try to stay west of the Rockies. Plus if they needed anything while they were gone someone would be able to get it for them. My mom and I worked really hard unloading the U-haul van and playing tetris in our minds on how the boxes needed to be set up in the storage room. It was alot of work but as mom would say "We are Women we are STRONG!!!" While my parents were here my Dad was an extra in the a new movie the Church is making for the Mormon Battlion Memorial Center. So he looked a little scary with a big beard and shaggy hair.

My children were so excited to see my parents. Someone new to entertain. They enjoyed having a piano lesson, reading stories, taking naps and going dowtown. To join the group and farwell was my Aunt Shelley and cousin Julie. They are some of my favs and we had a great time chatting, eating, laughing and shopping of course.

Saturday we went downtown to walk around Temple Square. Jersey was at a birthday party and couldn't be with us but Phe and I enjoyed our time. We saw the Joseph Smith movie and the Joseph Smith Memorial building. I hadn't seen it and my parents had been wanting to see it with me everytime they had come in the past(they were extras in this movie too). Since they were leaving I gave in to the request. Some of the reasons why I didn't want to see it was I sure I would cry. The movie didn't disappoint. With the opening credits I was already shedding tears. I was hoping that Phe would sit and watch. He was a little restless in the beginning. Asking if "he" Joseph Smith would be killed. Or if there were any bad guys. The next day at Church Phe was looking at the front of his Book of Mormon and saw a picture of Joseph Smith and proudly said in sacrament, "hey, that's JOE SMITH"

After the movie my mom and I got our traditional Lion House snickdoodle cookies. We can't go downtown without getting some those delicious cookies. We said good-bye, because she was getting on a plane to go back to Illionis. I'm sad but I know I will see her again and we talk everyday so she isn't that far from me.

When more tears we dropped, we said good-bye and Shelley, Julie and I headed up to Logan. Julie had purchased tickets for us to see "the Mikado" it's and Opera that is also a comedy. I had seen Opera on television but never in person. It sounded fun and different. We laughed the whole way there. We had a nice dinner and enjoyed the show.

The following Tuesday my Dad left. I'm so excited for my parents and deep down jealous that they are off for something fun and new. I can't wait to hear more about what they will be doing down there.

1 comment:

Katy said...

you guys all have the same smile. I love it