Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Feeling like Batman

We are all about Super Heroes in our house. Someone is a Hero everyday.
Whether it be Mike, who will clean out the kitty litter, clean the basement, build shelves, do dishes and most of all work hard. Showing his Super Hero power LOVE.
Or Phoenix with his super whine that can cripple any mom to give in so he will shut the whines. Or his super human stink that is called poo, seriously, it like krypton to Superman. Last week I don't know if it was a bug or allergic reaction to something but I was really wishing that I had the super power to make Phoenix use the toilet.
Jersey having the super power to do well in school. Two weeks ago, I had her parent teacher conference. The last time I was told that she didn't like to share and was overly sensitive. It looks like Jersey over came those problems. She is showing more confidence and is a great student. She is really good at math and loves to read. With he birthday in a few weeks she is telling me she is growing up and I need to let her stay up longer, wear make-up and have a cellphone. I'm wondering if she is turning 6 or 16?
Well I have my own super powers to keep my family healthy and happy. Juggling work, laundry and finding time for mom. I wish I could find more of the later but I know in time that will come.

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