Saturday, March 21, 2009

The month is almost over. Or is the wait it is?

We have been working on our basement. The first week we were so excited for drywall to come. He came and then didn't show up the following week to finish. We said it's OK he will finish not much longer. Then he started coming at 10:30am and then leaving at 5pm. It felt like that we weren't moving along. Then he didn't show up one morning. Then said the following day that he was going to work late. But then left at 5:00pm. ( not late in my book) Then today with the finish line in sight he said I will be come early on Saturday to finish. Well then 10:30am rolls around that is when he starts so I thought he is on his way. NOPE I call and leave a mean message saying I don't want to wait around all day for him to finish. So he doesn't show up until a quarter till 12pm. So yet another day wasted waiting around for him. I wanted to start painting this weekend and he hasn't even sprayed yet. Now he is saying that he will be back on Monday. Oh the anxiety.
I don't have a deadline for this process except the one in my head that just wants everything done. We can't finish until he is done. It's irritating beyond belief. I know I should be grateful that this is even happening but it's hard to feel it when the frustration and annoyance come into play.
On a better happy update. We scored a fabulous deal on couches at Sam's club and a mini fridge deal at Target all for the basement and new carpet has been purchased for the basement and upstairs. We have bought our paint, we need to figure out what we are going to do for a tile design, re-staining cabinets and buying new ones. Along with buying a new desk for the computer. We are going to have a new house before we know it and it will be so fun to enjoy when the madness ends.
Along with basement woes. I found out on Thursday that I have gallstones and that most likely I will have to get my gall bladder out soon. Yeah for me! Or it could be an Ulcer but I highly doubt that one.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

My sister in law just had hers'll be Ok! I am excited for you to have a fun basement!!! It will be awesome.