Sunday, August 24, 2008

takin' a beatin'

Jersey is a tough little girl. On Friday night, Jersey was going down our driveway on her scooter and she was crossing the street to the next door neighbors where Mike was and while she was going she hit the curb and flew over her handlebars of the scooter. She got a bloody nose and her nose has a bunch of scraps all over it. Mike's mom thought her nose was dirty but it just has a scraped up nose.
Then as we were coming home tonight from Mike's parents house we were going through the field on our bikes and she was going to fast and she biffed it! She got another bloody nose, she was covered in dirt and it was all over her face along with blood.

But every time she falls she gets back up and tries harder. What a brave little girl.


Mark and JanaRae said...

What a tough little girl. I am so amazed. I think I would have cried and cried and cried.

Crissybug said...

You are lucky she is such a trooper. I think my little Sydney would have cried for days. Her battle wounds look painful, but atleast she has great stories to tell!

mad white woman said...

Poor girl! Good thing she's tough, I'd probably be a big baby if that happened to me. :)

Kristin Coppee said...

Poor little lady! My nearly 3-year-old wants a scooter for her upcoming birthday. I'm scared.