Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ward Campout

Friday, Mike and I took the day off from work so that we could go to our ward camp out. I have only been camping in two places here in Utah. They both were by lakes, this was no different but a lot closer. The senery was beautiful.

We left around 11:30am. I think we were both so excited to get out of town that we forgot so much. i.e. flashlight, toothbrushes, plates, forks, peanut butter and bread. Lucky there was so much food, by others that we didn't go hungry. We did the remember the important stuff like chocolate.

We had a good time. I remember as a kid going on our ward family camp outs. They were fun. I felt like I got to know some people that I haven't talk to before. Mike and I have tried really hard to be more outgoing in our ward. We both hear, quite a bit, that people feel left out like they don't know anyone or that they think people are judging them. Go on a ward camp out and see people without makeup on and dirty and we you will feel closer. I totally believe it is all an attitude. I have changed my attitude towards my ward and I don't feel like an outsider. I feel more a part of the ward. (o.k. I will get off my soap box)

Mike and Jersey got fishing licenses. Mike bought Jersey a "Pirates" fishing pole. Phoenix and Jersey loved it. They were so cute fishing but like most kids weren't patient enough to sit and wait for the fish. We went fishing around dusk as the fish were biting and so were the bugs.(I hate bugs) But much like a family tradition we didn't catch anything. The people standing next to us did. I took a picture of their fish they caught. I loved fishing as kid on the Black river in the White mountains. I wouldn't mind going fishing again. Just as long as we don't have to eat it. We tried fishing on Saturday too but again the BUGS forced me to say I wasn't sitting around, I wanted to go home.
When were traveling home, we talked about going to the pool because we were dirty and smelly and it was only 2pm, we went home unloaded our car, changed our clothes and went.

We had a good family weekend.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Utah is so dang pretty, I want to move there! Miss you!