Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's gone

I have done it. After three years waiting for my hair to get really long the wait is gone. I chopped my hair yesterday. (The picture I'm posting isn't that great but I just wanted to post about it. I will put a better picture up soon.) While I was getting ready yesterday for work I decided that it was time to get my hair cut. I do have a hair appointment but it wasn't for another 4 weeks. I couldn't wait the suspense was killing me. Or I should say doing my hair everyday was killing me. Doing my hair was taking at least 2 hours to make it look good. I just didn't have the time to manage my hair. I thought for sure that it would get longer but my hair was growing outward not down. I was stuck in a rut. Mike and I have been looking at old picture of when I had my hair short pre-Phoenix. Of course I found the picture I liked so that I could tell the girl what I wanted then when I went I forgot the picture. She did cut it a little to short but hey it's hair it grows fast. I still will keep my appoointment I have in four weeks because I'm sure the way that my grows I will need a touch up.

The nice thing to is that all the nasty red is gone. I will remember not to try that stunt of coloring my hair a crazy color.


Hillary Corpuz said...

OH MY GOSH!! It looks way cute from the back! It probably is so nice not to have it any more.. I always thought your hair was way cute.

Jenna said...

I love your hair short Rhi!!! I am going to chop mine too!

Kelly L said...


So cute! I can't wait to see it in person on Sunday!

Kristin Coppee said...

Cute hair! I love short haircuts! I always try to grow mine out too, but it reaches my shoulders and then it gets annoying and I just have to chop!

Coree Adams said...