SPRING! is official on. We enjoyed these last few days outside. On Saturday morning it started out with a soccer game for Jersey. Mike said that she did a good job. She was trying hard to make a goal. I of course had to work. I was able to get off work at 11am so I met up with Mike and the kids at the West Jordan City park. We had a little picnic courtesy of McDonald's. We were waiting for our friends to arrive at the indoor pool. We were going there for a birthday party for Jersey's friend Marlie.
We parted ways with Mike and got ready to do some swimming. Jersey of course became a fish. I almost saw gills on the child. Phoenix loved the water as well but he was more hesitate then Jersey is. After about 20 minutes he was quite excited that he was putting his face in the water. Both Jersey and Phoenix were happy to be at the party, plus getting pizza and cake wasn't half bad.
Today was also very pleasant. I was so happy to go to church and not have to wear a sweater or a coat. After church we sat outside enjoying the warmth while eating lunch. The kids were playing well, Mike worked on a Sudoku and I read a book after awhile I felt a little to warm and came inside. Now I have nice ole sunburn on my arms, face and chest. Fabulous! I love that my skin hasn't seen sun in forEVER and now is burning at the first time being out! Hopefully I can remedy the farmer tan before we go to AZ. How embarrassing! After taking naps we took a walk over to Mike's parents house. We went there to get Mike's bike. I love riding my bike it's so much fun.
I'm so thankful that we are going to have nice weather at least for this week. It will be a nice change from freezing cold.
I'm so happy for Spring too. I'm glad you got to spend time outside. It's about time Spring arrived!
in reference to your post about your new job: congratulations. you just have to do what is best for you and your family and not worry about what others think. also, are you positive you owe that extra amount for your taxes? the irs sends notices out saying "pay this amount..." but if you disagree, tell us why. it doesn't always mean it's a mistake, sometimes it's like a mini audit and they just want you to prove something, yet they make it seem like you did something wrong.
i figured that was you.. :) if you bring it when you come, i'd be happy to take a look at it. normally, the irs is forgiving of mistakes. they'll make you pay what you owe, but they won't keep bothering you as long as they think it was a mistake and not fraud. that would suck, sorry!!
RHIANNON! It's me! Kristin - Dan Poulsen's oldest sister. I found you by accident while checking out April Bethea's blog. I'm in her ward.
Your kids are adorable. It's so fun to see you. My sisters and I just loved you. Your name STILL comes up to this day. You're a legend!
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