Sunday, April 20, 2008

Girls just want to have fun!

Let me see where do I start. I feel like a chicken with their head cut off just running around.
On Friday morning I woke up extra early to prepare for Jersey's first birthday party. (I had never done this before so I was a little nervous to get a bunch of girls at my house to entertain. Jersey had been talking about having a party for weeks so I gave into the idea. We decided to have a "Strawberry Shortcake Party" so that we could serve strawberries. Lucky for us Target was selling Strawberry Shortcake accessories in the dollar bins at the store. So we were able to make cute goody bags.) So back to my morning, I made Jersey's cake, decorated the house, showered and picked up the house all before 9am. At 9am I went to get my hair done. I needed it colored before we leave to AZ on Tuesday so that was the only time. My nieces came over to watch my kids while I went to get my hair done. I was hoping it wouldn't take to long to do. I didn't get home from my hair appointment until 11:45am the party started at 12pm. Because I was short on time I did my own hair.
So I was a little winded for the party. It turned out well. We only had one major meltdown and that was from the birthday girl. Jersey didn't quite understand what you did in musical chairs. All the girls had a great time. It was fun to watch them all get excited when Jersey opened her gifts that they brought. She loved them all. She got lip gloss and dress-ups, a Hannah Montana doll, a stuffed puppy and two shirts. She thought she was fabulous. I planned lots of games for the girls to play but those were over within an hour and the party was to last until 2pm. I didn't think that eating cake and ice cream was going to take a full hour, I remembered that I had some foam beads and ribbon *wa la* necklaces. It was a lifesaver. The girls devoured the cake, strawberries, cool whip and ice cream. The day was nice so everyone ended up outside afterwards. After the party I took a breather while we waited to go to Kindergarten Orientation. Yeah, that is right Jersey is starting school. AM I OLD OR WHAT? I felt so grown up walking into the school with Jersey being a "real parent" Jersey was so excited. All of her friends that were at her party were at the school too with their moms. The teachers introduced themselves and then the kids went with the teachers so they could see the rooms. The parents got to sit and listen to some info from the PTA and sectary. I kept thinking is this how my mom felt when I started school? Just overwhelmed by it all.
After dinner we tried to get Jersey to ride her bike without training wheels. Mike took off the wheels and he helped her balance while trying to pedal. Jersey true stubbornness came out. She wouldn't pedal the bike. After a few tears we (as parents) gave up on the cause.
I was so exhausted by the end of the day but I knew that one little girl really appreciated it.


Kristin Coppee said...

How fun! My daughter Sylvie-Faye is turning 3 this summer. They grow so fast. I can't wait to give her a first birthday party. We just do little family ones right now because she's too little to understand.

Jersey looks so happy. What a cutie!

Hansen6 said...

Thank You for inviting Keira to Jersey's party. She just kept saying it was so much fun. I can't believe she is five I remeber the mothers room, meeting you for the first time with our two little baby girls, (sniff, Sniff) time flies.Thanks for always being such a wonderful friend. I love Ya
