Sunday, April 20, 2008

5 5 5 she is 5

WOW!!! time seriously flies by when you are having fun or just having life. I can't believe my little girl is growing up. I still remember being in labor with her. I was with my MIL and two SILs waiting for miss Jean to arrive. Wondering if Mike could feel that I was in labor or that I needed him. (Mike was on a camping trip at Lake Powell the weekend Jersey was born).
{Some things I have learned from Jersey,}
1. She is a mini me not just in looks but attitude and personality.
2. She is smart, she loves to learn and ask questions
3. She is adventurous, she has always been daring and loves to be like the "big kids"
4. She is beautiful, I love her smile
5. She is kind to everyone, she loves her family and wants everyone to be her friend even at Jiffy Lube.
I'm so glad that Heavenly Father sent her to me. She is always one to say "I love you mom" and right there every night to give me hug after I come home from work. I love remembering how she changed my life forever on this day.


Kristin Coppee said...

Oh my gosh! I love the newborn picture in the yellow dress. She looks like a doll baby. I just want to pick her up and kiss her.

Priceless Heritage said...

Happy Birthday Jersey- wasn't it just yesterday you were born. Wow time flies. Hope it was fun!