I never feel like the weekend is long enough for me. I guess with Daylight savings starting my weekends will feel longer. Right?
Friday night Mike and I were suppose to go out with our neighbors on a bowling night and dinner but after talking it over we decided to sit that one out. Mostly because we didn't want to find a babysitter at the last moment.
Well let me also explain that on Friday afternoon as I was taking the kids to run some errands Phoenix had conveniently locked the door that goes from our garage to our house. We don't own any house keys to our house. All have been lost. So when this tragedy struck I didn't panic I choose to ignore it until Mike was able to handle it. Thus I didn't call a babysitter in enough time because I didn't know if we would have been paying for a locksmith or not. But with ease Michael was able to break into our house by doing something to the back door. It was hard to understand so I can't explain. (yes I'm a blond) So no locksmith was called to the rescue I had my own superman.
I still came home from work a little early as planned before the door became locked. We took the kids to Smith's and got ice cream, popcorn and Big K soda pop. (what a great deal the stuff was $0.59) Mike picked up some pizza from Little Caesars (disregard that we already had pizza this week) and some movies from Red Box. We had a fun time with the kids eating and watching movies with them. We realized that it is nice to be home with the kids instead of ditching them and going out with the neighbors. There will be time to do that when they are older and they don't like us anymore.
That was Friday. Saturday was a much needed day off work. I have been working mostly every Saturday since January so it was nice to get up and get some stuff done. Why is it though that Saturday is more special then any other day of the week? Because I could have done all the stuff on those days then on Saturday? I don't know it is one of life's mysteries to me. But I was surprised at myself how much I got done. It felt good. As the day dragged on, waiting for Mike to come home, I started to get stir crazy from being home all day and working. When he came home I was glad he suggested that we use our movie passes and go see a movie. (That is also a rare occurrence in our house where we venture out to the movies.) We did have to find a babysitter at the last minute but my nephew and nieces were quite excited to help us out. Thanks guys. The movie we saw was JUNO. I liked that film very much, it deserved all the recognition that the movie received. I cried through out the whole movie. Hormones I think. I had to keep telling Mike it wasn't a sad cry it was just a cry. I don't know what my deal is I was crying at High School Musical 2 earlier that day. (Mike says I better not be pregnant and NO I don't know if am or not it's just hormones I think)
Sunday was filled with utter hatred toward Day light savings. This is one tradition I fail to love. How can anyone fill happiness into tricking your body that waking up earlier, because you want the sun up sooner is great? From the moment I moved here I knew my life would be plagued with this nonsense but what can you do. Who does this really help? If it is just farmers are there enough farmers in UT to justified sleepiness in our bodies for the whole first weeks of Day Light savings? Most of us have 9 to 5 jobs, not sun up to sun down jobs. (Does that count for mom's?) We still made it to church on time and the kids were pretty good about the whole thing. I thought it quite funny after church I curled up in a ball on the couch to watch some basketball and fell asleep. When I woke up Phoenix had fallen asleep on an arm chair by himself and Jersey was in her bed asleep as well. Mike also fell asleep so it was funny how our kids went to sleep on there own. Mike's parents invited us over for dinner which was super nice because then I didn't have to think of what were were going to do for dinner.
So yeah that was pretty much it nothing to dramatic but nice to get things done and remember what it important in our life FAMILY!
Friday night Mike and I were suppose to go out with our neighbors on a bowling night and dinner but after talking it over we decided to sit that one out. Mostly because we didn't want to find a babysitter at the last moment.
Well let me also explain that on Friday afternoon as I was taking the kids to run some errands Phoenix had conveniently locked the door that goes from our garage to our house. We don't own any house keys to our house. All have been lost. So when this tragedy struck I didn't panic I choose to ignore it until Mike was able to handle it. Thus I didn't call a babysitter in enough time because I didn't know if we would have been paying for a locksmith or not. But with ease Michael was able to break into our house by doing something to the back door. It was hard to understand so I can't explain. (yes I'm a blond) So no locksmith was called to the rescue I had my own superman.
I still came home from work a little early as planned before the door became locked. We took the kids to Smith's and got ice cream, popcorn and Big K soda pop. (what a great deal the stuff was $0.59) Mike picked up some pizza from Little Caesars (disregard that we already had pizza this week) and some movies from Red Box. We had a fun time with the kids eating and watching movies with them. We realized that it is nice to be home with the kids instead of ditching them and going out with the neighbors. There will be time to do that when they are older and they don't like us anymore.
That was Friday. Saturday was a much needed day off work. I have been working mostly every Saturday since January so it was nice to get up and get some stuff done. Why is it though that Saturday is more special then any other day of the week? Because I could have done all the stuff on those days then on Saturday? I don't know it is one of life's mysteries to me. But I was surprised at myself how much I got done. It felt good. As the day dragged on, waiting for Mike to come home, I started to get stir crazy from being home all day and working. When he came home I was glad he suggested that we use our movie passes and go see a movie. (That is also a rare occurrence in our house where we venture out to the movies.) We did have to find a babysitter at the last minute but my nephew and nieces were quite excited to help us out. Thanks guys. The movie we saw was JUNO. I liked that film very much, it deserved all the recognition that the movie received. I cried through out the whole movie. Hormones I think. I had to keep telling Mike it wasn't a sad cry it was just a cry. I don't know what my deal is I was crying at High School Musical 2 earlier that day. (Mike says I better not be pregnant and NO I don't know if am or not it's just hormones I think)
Sunday was filled with utter hatred toward Day light savings. This is one tradition I fail to love. How can anyone fill happiness into tricking your body that waking up earlier, because you want the sun up sooner is great? From the moment I moved here I knew my life would be plagued with this nonsense but what can you do. Who does this really help? If it is just farmers are there enough farmers in UT to justified sleepiness in our bodies for the whole first weeks of Day Light savings? Most of us have 9 to 5 jobs, not sun up to sun down jobs. (Does that count for mom's?) We still made it to church on time and the kids were pretty good about the whole thing. I thought it quite funny after church I curled up in a ball on the couch to watch some basketball and fell asleep. When I woke up Phoenix had fallen asleep on an arm chair by himself and Jersey was in her bed asleep as well. Mike also fell asleep so it was funny how our kids went to sleep on there own. Mike's parents invited us over for dinner which was super nice because then I didn't have to think of what were were going to do for dinner.
So yeah that was pretty much it nothing to dramatic but nice to get things done and remember what it important in our life FAMILY!
I just never understood daylight savings. I am glad I don't have to either. Your weekend sounded great. I love watching movies with my kids.....we do that all the time. As for the crying at High School M2....I cried at the Baby story yesterday for the lady having natural childbirth because it made me sick knowing that I have been there and it hurts so bad. Crazy huh! Hope you get to come back here soon, I want you to swim at our house!
1. i LOVE juno. good good movie.
2. bahahahaaa you cried during high school musical?! oh man. that's awesome.
3. I HATE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME TOO!! we're definitely arizonans.
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