Monday, March 03, 2008

Jiffy Lube

Why is it when I go to Jiffy Lube I always feel so lame? Now understand that Mike can't always be there to do "Man things" so I need to go and get the oil changes or the car registered. But why do I feel so dumb.
Like when the guy comes out to greet you. He says leave your keys in the car and then opens the door. Honestly, I'm not use to someone opening my car door. Plus it doesn't really help because I still have to get two kids out of the car. Then walking me to the waiting room. Yes sir I have been to a Jiffy Lube more than once in my lifetime I'm pretty sure I can find my way. Again I know that he is trying to provide customer service but I think it is a little over the top.Then when I'm leaving the guy rushing once again to open my door. I'm not a invalid. I can open the door for myself. I'm not a giant person as for weight or pregnant so I can handle myself. I guess it comes down to it. I march at my own drum beat and I am an Independent woman. So let me open my own door.
I have realized as well that if I was to go to Hell there would be a few places that I would think would be my own personal Hell. One sitting in the lobby of any Dr. office. The second would be sitting in the Jiffy Lube waiting room with my two kids. I why I go there with them is beyond me. Jersey and Phoenix playing on the chairs, running in circles, talking to the complete strangers because we aren't all uncomfortable as it is. Jersey singing songs in the bathroom at Jiffy Lube. Telling me that one of the strangers looks like someone from Transformers. After the one hour of madness. I could actually see the other men look relieved when we left because they didn't feel obligated to answer my children's questions.
I also love when I'm leaving and checking out being told by the attendant that by the way you are need of an oil change. "Would you like to do that today?" It's like "NO" I don't want to sit your waiting room any longer.

1 comment:

Priceless Heritage said...

What a day! I too wonder why I go places with the kids by myself. It's something I must do but it's NOT FUN!