On Friday I received in the mail the 2008-2009 school track schedule. Here in UT if aren't aware they have year-round school. It's kind of nutty because most kids aren't on the same track so when the kids are off track it's hard to have friends.
Well Mike and I have been thinking about Jersey track and what we want her to be on. Plus we want to do what the rest of the family is doing because if we want to get together when the kids are off track it would be hard if I'm shuttling Jersey to school. Then I also most importantly need Jersey to be in morning Kindergarten not because I think it would be great to get my child up early just that the afternoon is to late for me because I have to be to work about the same time school gets out. If we did afternoon, would have to go to someones house until Grandma could come and get her.
I can't believe the time has come to start thinking about school and what we are going to do about it. Jersey is excited to go to the BIG school. Depending on the track for school she gets she could be starting school as soon as August 5Th. WOW!!!! Then we begin a lifetime of school.
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