Wednesday, November 07, 2007


There are not to many times in my relationship with Mike that he can surprise me. What can I say I'm not good at waiting for surprises. {I will give you a little background before going further} Last month I found out what Mike was getting me for my birthday. It was something that I didn't want or really need. He bought me a ski pass at Snowbird. To some that is awesome but for the amount of time that I have to go snowboarding is well not enough. I go about 4 times the whole season. Growing up in AZ that was a lot but not here in UT. But with 2 kids that still need a babysitter the pass even though it was a great gesture wasn't really working for me.
I tend to become obsessed about things when I really want them. It either now or never in my way of thinking. I have been wanting a PlayStation 2 for awhile and since I have been playing Guitar Hero (at my sister-in-laws house) I kept asking for one. Trying to find the best deals and seeing how I could get my hands on one. I had given up hope when Mike told me that for my birthday instead of the ONE thing that I asked for I got the ski pass.
Tonight all of that changed. Of course our T.V. is on the fritz again. Not because of the T.V. just because of our Dish receiver. So I have been working on the computer. I heard Mike come home and he walks in with Guitar Hero III and a PlayStation 2. My birthday present and Christmas present. He said he realized that it is going to be to hard for us to go snowboarding due to the new calling that he got last night for our ward. No he isn't bishop. He will be serving in the scouts. That is all I can say right now. So alot of his free time will be taken up by that, we won't get to go on the nights that we were planning on.
Mike is AWESOME I would go as far as calling him Captain AWESOME!!!! I'm so excited to play. I'm sure you are thinking why aren't you playing right now instead of blogging? Well the kids are watching Transformers. Which by the way that movie is WICKED AWESOME.


Stacey said...

Thanks Rhiannon, I will let you know if there's anything you can help with. I was so sad I couldnt make it up to Snowflake to see you guys last weekend, but I saw the pictures and Melanie looked beautiful. Dallin could use some love today, so if you have a chance, call him. He's getting pretty stressed too, mostly about bills though. Anyway, have a good day! love ya

Joel and Lisa Wagenman said...

Hey Rhi!
I"m so glad you found my blog! Your family is so cute. I see you're still making life fun! We missed you at the MHS 10 yr. reunion! Lisa

Jenna said...

Way to go Mike! What a nice guy!

Meggs said...

That is an awesome present. That is so cool he would do that for you. I always love surprises.