Monday, November 05, 2007

{Forever YOung}

I want to be FOREVER YOUNG!!!!! Friday was my birthday. 29 and holding baby! I wanted to say some clever things about me being 29. If I was to write 29 things about how great it is to be 29. Hmm all the things that I can think of are negative. Except that I can say I'm 29 forever, I don't look or act it. But other than that There isn't anything more exciting.
I did have a great birthday being surrounded by family and friends was fun this weekend. I also got to enjoy a session at the temple with my family. When I was there my Grandma told me that if my Great Grandma was still alive she would have been 100 years old. Crazy! After I was told that I new she was there celebrating with us.


amy said...

happy b-day! that's a really cool story about your grandma being there with you! and your hair looks really cool. i'd say it's totally you. :) glad you did something for you.

Priceless Heritage said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RHI! I hope you had a great day!

Marquita said...

Happy Birthday Rhiannon! Hope you had a fun day!