Sunday, October 14, 2007

A little disappointment ends with happiness.

I was so excited to go to my work Lagoon day. I even blogged about my excitement days before. Well it didn't end up so great. We got to Lagoon and it was packed. Crazy packed. Every ride had about an hour wait. I took Mr. grumpy with me so that wasn't to fun. He didn't wan to stand in any long lines. We rode one ride the sky ride if you even count that a ride. At Lagoon they had Funnel cake Yummy! I love that stuff, you can just hear your body getting fatter.
My work had us all gather about 6pm and they were going to give away prizes and food vouchers so we could win some food. I was like yeah we aren't going to win anything so lets just go wait in line for a ride. But again, Mike didn't want to do that. So we waited and mingled with my co-workers. I ended up winning a prize and yeah for me! I was happy I would get to ride a ride. I won a pass to go on the sky coaster. It's a pretty terrifying ride. As soon as we got there they closed the ride. The ticket stated no refunds or exchanges. So that was a bust. That was my last straw with Lagoon day. Last year was so much fun. It's sad that this year wasn't as cool.

Mike was nice to say "Hey let's go to the Gateway" in a way that was better because the Gateway is my favorite place to be. Even though a lot of shops are way out of my price range. We went to the Gap, I have been complaining about bra shopping so I was surprised to see that Mike would go with me. I am sure he didn't mind. I found some good deals on bras and was happy to get them. It was quite funny. Then we were looking for shoes. Apparently I wear to flat of shoes for Mike. he would like to see me have a little more height. So that is always fun to shoe shop. Nothing really peaked my interest so we didn't get any of those. I was nice to have some time away from the kids and spend some time with the kids.

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